Journey with our growing tribe.
We are passionate about seeing ordinary people participating with the extraordinary Mission of God. We desire men and women across the globe to live, breathe, and live as missionaries where they’ve already been sent!

Don't see a Hub in your area?
Are you're interested in starting one? Click "Start A Hub" below to email Mark Michael and he will get you started.

Want to help us continue the Forge movement around the world?
The faith nature of this ministry makes your support all the more vital. Forge International is sustained by people like YOU - praying with us and generously giving their financial resources!
If you'd like to partner with us financially, we’d be grateful for a one time or recurring giving donation. To do this, simply click the "Donate Now" button or to donate via check, make all checks payable to:
Forge International
3141 Hammock Walk Rd Unit 203 Kissimmee, FL. 34746