Forge began in Victoria, Australia in 1996, launched by Alan and Deb Hirsch and Michael Frost out of a deep hunger and conviction of the need for christians to go into the world, amidst the many cultural changes, and actively engage others with the good news of Jesus and his kingdom.
Forge has expanded over boarders and between continents through friendships and partnerships with likeminded individuals, networks and organisations, and through pioneering. The Forge Mission Training Network was established in 2007, birthed out of partnership between Forge (Australia) and the Missional Training Network, Canada, led by Cam Roxburgh.
In 2010 Kim and Maria Hammond moved with their three sons from Melbourne, Australia to Chicago, US to pioneer Forge America. Subsequent partnerships include that with Invest, Scotland, led by Alan McWilliam, and ForMission UK, led by Martin Robinson, partnerships enabled by Mark Michaels.
Forge has been pioneered in Germany and Sweden and there is an emerging network fostering in Europe aiming to develop a new way of mission and being the church.
We are dedicated to the identification, development and nurture of missional leaders, and to the cultivation of missional communities.
Forge exists to help mobilise and equip the people of God to participate in the mission of God

As followers and lovers of Jesus Christ, who we are and what we do is shaped by the person of Jesus both individually and corporately; we hope to inspire and lead others to fall more in love with Him.
We are not a church planting organisation. We seek to train people to live as missionaries in the places they are sent. As the gospel is planted, church communities will often birth as a natural byproduct. We champion, support, encourage, and give voice to the ordinary people on the ground joining God in mission in their context. Although we allow for necessary critique of the Church, we desire to serve the Church and not attack it.
We aim to model training in a different manner than the prevailing Western Church without detaching ourselves from the local church.
Those who lead and train through Forge should be practitioners who can communicate and inspire others to be innovative in their missional incarnational contexts. Because we embrace an action-reflection training model, we believe that learning should be a whole life encounter, if we teach theory it is to aid in important paradigm shifts and is relevant to a person’s experiences on mission. We value all forms of leadership and work to equip and release all functions of APEST (Ephesians 4: Apostle, Prophet, Evangelist, Shepherd, and Teacher) for the maturing of the church.
We seek to give a voice to those in the margins of society
We want to be an organisation that is always learning, while keeping the important things always before us. We hold high the power of a story and continually tell an alternative story. We will work to build partnerships and networks with local churches, seminaries, denominations, non-profit organisations, & para-church ministries. Networks are the fabric of movement. We seek to help every person be released to engage in incarnational mission and serve established churches by equipping individuals to live incarnationally.